Alejandra Serje, renowned host of the television show “Lo Sé Todo in Colombia” and former colleague of Elianis Garrido, has recently revealed the challenges she has faced in both her professional and personal life. In an exciting video posted on Instagram by Spanish journalist Eva Rey Botana, known for her involvement in the CM& newscast and Noticias RCN, a preview of the interview conducted with Alejandra Serje on her show “Desnúdate con Eva Rey” is shown.
In the preview, Eva Rey is seen facing Alejandra, who affirms that she currently feels happy but admits to having gone through difficult moments on her path to personal and professional success. Although Alejandra is in a relationship with Juan Cebolla, from Hermanos Gasca, she reveals that achieving her goals has not been easy. “I am happy, it has been a constant struggle. If you see me happy, allow me to enjoy it because I deserve it,” can be heard in the brief preview published by Eva Rey on social media.
Subsequently, the challenges that Alejandra has faced in her career were made known. “Many things have happened consecutively in my life. I experienced a great loss with the passing of my grandmother, then my stepfather also left us, and later I lost my savings…,” Serje recounts.
In addition, the eagerly awaiting audience is interested in learning the details of the million-dollar scam that Alejandra suffered. Some internet users even speculate that she may have experienced a situation similar to what La Liendra went through a few years ago with a Colombian cryptocurrency. The preview suggests that not only Alejandra may have suffered losses in the cryptocurrency business but also that it may have affected her family and acquaintances of her ex-partner, Andrés.
“I would like to share with all of you a story that I have kept silent until now. It turns out that I was also a victim of Daily, a cryptocurrency that became very popular and in which many people invested, believing in its promises of high returns. However, I want to make it clear that I never intended to allocate my funds to this currency. Despite that, I did have encounters with individuals who, when hiring my services, chose to pay me using dailys, making transfers as if it were a bank transaction between accounts,”
Alejandra Serje’s followers eagerly await the full interview, where more details will be revealed about the challenges she has faced in her life and the million-dollar scam that has impacted both her personal life and that of her loved ones.